
Environment is Destiny

What is the upper limit of deep work hours per day? Is it four? I want to know the upper limit. One extra hour compounds to big things over thirty years.

Separating work/leisure environments has a high ROI on focus. The brain likes to link things. "If this then that." I like to scroll X/Twitter on my couch. Everytime I try to code on my couch, I crave scrolling X.

This can be exploited.

"If coffeeshop, do deep work and nothing else." "If library, do deep work and nothing else." It's a "focus zone."

The link must remain pure - don't leisure in focus zone. My brain doesn't crave distraction in focus zone because I exclusively leisure on my couch.

Hang around unhealthy people we'll pick up unhealthy habits, hang around athletes we'll become fit. To drink more throughout the day, place a water bottle in field of vision. To start eating healthier, discard all junk in the fridge. To have "deep work mood," be in a focus zone.

Environment determines behavior, repeated behavior is destiny.